Exam preparation

Exam preparation for Goethe-, fide- & TELC Exams (A1-C2)

Wenn du eine dich für eine Goethe-, fide- oder TELC-Prüfung vorbereiten musst, bist du bei Topdeck Sprachen an der richtigen Adresse.

In order for you to pass a language exam, you must of course have the appropriate language skills.

But it’s also just as important to know how the exam works. You need to know what to look for on a particular exam, how to approach the tasks, and what strategies to use. That’s why we practice all of this in our exam prep until you have the confidence you need going into the exam.

I will prepare you for the following German certificates and German exams:


Internationally recognized certificate of the German language.
4 categories are tested:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Practice test: Goethe-Zertifikat

fide Test

Preparation for naturalization or for obtaining a residence permit and settlement permit

Proof of German language skills for Swiss naturalization. 4 categories are tested: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

Levels to be reached for naturalization: Listening and speaking: B1 – Reading and Writing: A2

Levels to be achieved for residence permit and settlement permit: Listening and speaking: A2- Reading and writing: A1


Internationally recognized certificate of the German language.
4 categories are tested:
Listening, speaking, reading, writing.
Certificates at the levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Practice test: TELC-Zertifikate



For everyone who wants to learn the basics or refresh their knowledge.

check10 lessons of 60 min.
check1 lesson / week
checkDuration: 10 weeks
checkincl. Material
checkFirst consultation free of charge
CHF 1250.-


Ideal for learners who want to make steady and consistent progress.

check20 lessons of 60 min.
check2 lessons / week
checkDuration: 10 weeks
checkincl. Material
checkFirst consultation free of charge
CHF 2050.-


For those preparing for a specific deadline, such as an exam or job interview.

check30 lessons of 60 min.
check5 lessons / week (of 90 min.)
checkDuration: ca. 6 weeks
checkincl. Material
checkFirst consultation free of charge
CHF 2950.-

Terms of payment

  • Payment deadline: before the course starts
  • Payment via bank transfer or cash
  • Payment in two installments available upon agreement

Arrange an initial meeting now to learn even more!